March 15, 2009

Does the hurt and Pain

Does the hurt and Pain,
Ever go Away?
From the One you Loved,
Who went Astray!

Will you always have to Pay,
The high Price;
Of his/her Dis-may!
Please make it go Away!

It's always the same,Everyday,
You rise up Early,
And Awake;
Hoping for a brand new Day!

But,it never seems to Come,
At least not,my Way;
Even though I "Pray,
Each and every Day!

So how do you free your Mind?
Get rid of this Type;
Of Love-Affair,
Before it drives you Insane!

All I can say Is,
I"ve got to find a Way;
To break free Before;
They put me Away!

My problem Is,
I Love Her;
Too Much,
So,I guess,it"ll never go Away!

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