September 23, 2009

Blue Microphones Eyeball USB Webcam – 2-in-1

Blue Microphones Eyeball USB Webcam is a very particular aesthetic which already makes it clear what is its primary function. More than a video camera with a good microphone also incorporates a sensor to capture images!

Blue Microphones Eyeball USB it seems like a great microphone with a small side component that then is the eye that sees all and all records. The recording quality of the voice is chatting in VoIP HD for the highest quality, then even if you turn the webcam.

The condenser mic is from 35 Hz to 20 kHz, to capture every nuance of the voice dubbing is also ideal for short films or videos to professional quality. The installation is not required because it is just plug into the USB port on your Mac or PC and the operation is immediate. Here is a videopreview recorded with the same Blue Microphones Eyeball USB.

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