WCW Nitro demo (Download Game)
License:Free to try
Operating Systems:Windows 95, Windows XP, Windows 98
Additional Requirements:Windows 95/98/XP, DirectX
Limitations:No limitations.
Publisher's description of WCW Nitro
In WCW Nitro, you can take on the role of either Hollywood Hogan orGoldberg in a fight to the finish. Punches, kicks, piledrivers, andother moves (including the ability to take the action out of the ring)are all here. Each wrestler is modeled after the athletes of WorldChampionship Wrestling and comes complete with his own rant ofunbridled machismo. The demo is limited to only two wrestlers, oneplayer, and short exhibition matches.
We like a good piledriver as much as the next Saturday-morning TVgeek, but we're going to satisfy our wrestling jones elsewhere.Graphically, WCW Nitro would have disappointed players in 1999, when itwas published. Today, the chunky background and crude 3D models don tcome close to passing muster. The action occasionally stutters, too,even on a fast machine. The biggest problem, however, is the strangeunresponsiveness of the controls. The customizable key commands rarelywork as you expect, and the all-purpose action key is especiallyunpredictable. What's more, after each action, your character stopsreacting for a few moments. Very frustrating. And if you're fantasizingabout subjecting your roommate to a corkscrew moonsault, forget it: thedemo only allows you to play the solo version. Considering how littlethey'll get for their trouble, even WCW fanatics might balk at the 15MBdownload.Download Now (15.36MB)

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