March 28, 2009

SuperSlide 0.96 (Image Editing)

SuperSlide 0.96
Free to try; $15.00 to buy
Operating Systems:
Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 2000
Additional Requirements:
Windows 2000/XP/Vista
No limitations.
Publisher's description of SuperSlide
Among SuperSlide's cool features: Hardware-accelerated - makes the mostof your GPU, if you have one; Cool transition effects between images;Pre-loads images in the background, so they appear to load instantly;Lets you open a folder recursively, so you'll see the images in thatfolder, as well as any sub-folders; Quick and easy filemove/copy/delete for organizing your files; and Lossless jpeg rotation- if you press L or R to rotate a jpeg, it automatically updates thefile on disk (without recompression), and even preserves the file timestamp.
Also Tiny - SuperSlide only takes up 500 kb of disk space, and itdoesn't clutter your hard drive with a bunch of junk files; FullUnicode support - handles filenames in any language; and Attention todetail.

SuperSlide 096 Image EditingDownload Now

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