March 28, 2009

PDP Xbox 360 3D Motion Controller and DS Stylus

Performance Designed Products (PDP) showed off two controllers for popular gaming systems, with the Gametrak Freedom for the Xbox 360 and SmartStylus for the portable Nintendo DS. The former is a Nintendo Wiimote-like device that uses an ultrasonic 3D motion sensing technology that sends signals to a base unit hooked up to an Xbox via a USB port.

Unlike the Nintendo remote and similar systems, though, the Gametrak Freedom does not require users to point at the screen or a sensor, as movements are tracked by its true 3D position. Up to four players can use the controller at the same time.

The SmartStylus accessory for Nintendo's DS is in its prototype stage and has vibration feedback but can include LEDs, sound and motion feedback. The latter will allow users to send control inputs to the portable gaming console even when the stylus is held at a distance from the DS.

While the Gametrak Freedom has been approved for production by Microsoft, the SmartStylus still needs the Nintendo seal. Despite this, both are due to make it to store shelves by the fall, with the Xbox accessory shipping with a Squeeballs game made to show the motion control capabilities. Pricing has not been announced.

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