March 13, 2009

Lindsay Lohan promotes her new tanning range Sevin Nyne

Bronzed babe: Lindsay Lohan promotes her new tanning
range Sevin Nyne

LiLo launches her own fake tan - but would you buy it after
her recent tanning disasters?

Lindsay Lohan has branched out in the world of beauty
and is set to launch her own line of self-tanning products
next month.

But the actress has been snapped on more than one occasion
sporting terrible fake tan disasters.

White feet, grubby fingers and a tell-tale tan moustache
have all been seen on the starlet.

But the Mean Girls star insists that her range is different from
other fake tan products.

'I have tried every product on the market and never found
something that I loved.

It was important to me to have a natural product that didn't
have a lot of dyes and chemicals,' she told People magazine.

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