February 25, 2009

How to Date A Pisces Male : February 20 - March 20

Whoever coined the term "dream lover" must have been thinking of a Pisces
male, these guys often have their head in the clouds, playing with this
fantasy or that. Truth be told, can there be a better place for romance?
Once back to Earth, the shy Fish will pursue affairs of the heart slowly,
carefully and prettily, their aesthetic sensibilities as finely tuned as any

sign of the Zodiac. The magical mystery tour of romance with Pisces can be
most unpredictable, with hearts and flowers one day and games with veils the

next. Either way, he will definitely serve you as an idyllic. Pisces males
are seductive and romantic since there is hardly anywhere else they'd rather

Pisceans are interested in everything that isn't quite real: illusion and
disillusionment, fantasy, drama, emotion, art, and spirituality. So any date

that involves the arts, from painting together to attending the theater,
will make your Pisces smile. Romance will be appreciated by this Sign, so
try a beach picnic with wine and cheese or high-tea in a garden. Whatever
you do, put a little magic into your date - creating the right mood will
romance your Piscean more than any money you spend.

Bring him to a book or poetry reading, go to the theater, go to a movie,
spend a day at the zoo, go swimming, play pool in a bar, go to the museum,
go to a cafe for coffee, or go to an aquarium. (I'd avoid the sushi bars if
I were you!)

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