February 19, 2009

Fiorella Mattheis: Brazilian VIP Girl - Photo Shoot

Fiorella Mattheis is leggy on the Brazil VIP magazine February 2009 issue. Born and raised in Petrópolis, in the mountain region of Rio, Fiorella began career as a model after it was finalist of a competition agency Elite. Mal began to stand out, moved to São Paulo with the mother. It was from this change that the girl of 1.74 me 55 pounds gained fame and success in the world of international fashion.

Of fifteen to 17 years, lived in Japan, Hong Kong and some European countries. Even with a full agenda of commitments and always promising future, began to invest in the career of presenter when he received the invitation to the role. "I was going to start college of journalism, but joined in Malhação. I like to work on TV, but prefer to be myself in front of the cameras," he says.

The intention of Fiorella is to present a program in the world. To do this, is already doing is showing your contacts and open to new possibilities in the network. But before, intends to establish as an actress. "I started raw, but I'm doing a 'intensivão' with the preparations of the cast and speech station. Gradually, I will show my potential," is important.

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