Jennifer Aniston in Elle, Too
We have seen Jennifer Aniston in Elle magazine before and although she looked good then, I think this female celebrity is getting better with age. At the very least she has lost a thing. Sure, she may be 40 years old, but any dude with a pulse would be all over this hottie like there was no tomorrow! She is a big time star, but the facts are that Jennifer Aniston is 40 and alone. I think it’s fair to say that this actress has not been lucky when it comes to love, so how is she handling it? Jen told Elle magazine:
“If I’m the emblem for ‘this is what it looks like to be the lonely girl getting on with her life,’ so be it,” says the actress, who was recently linked to Bradley Cooper following splits with Vince Vaughn, Paul Sculfor and John Mayer. “I can make fun of myself. And I’ll bring it up as long as the world is bringing it up.”
“I remember being 7 and asking my mom if I was as pretty as [my best friend] Monique,” she recalls. “And with all the love in the world, my mom looked at me and said, ‘Oh, honey, you’re so funny.’ So, she doesn’t lie to me . . . She answers the question by not answering and instead tells me what she thinks is my greatest strength.”
Jennifer, you are going to have to trust me on this one, but you really are pretty. We do appreciate your candor and honesty and so will the man of your dreams, even if you and I never bump into one another. Something tells me that Jennifer Aniston will not be lonely for long.

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