August 16, 2009

Healthy Eating Tip: Load Pancake Batter With Fruit

Homemade pancakes have become a weekend tradition in my family, but I know that if I eat a stack doused in syrup, I end up feeling tired and hungry within an hour. If this sounds familiar, try this the next time you're making pancakes: add tons of fruit to the batter. I don't mean just a few pieces — really load up the batter. Mix in at least three different kinds such as blueberries, raspberries, or cut up cherries, apples, or bananas.

Not only does this add fiber to your breakfast to satiate your hunger longer, but since fruit is so sweet, I don't even need to add syrup. Serve your pancakes with fresh fruit, and this warm Summer breakfast will satisfy your taste buds and give you energy all morning.

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