July 12, 2009

LG HR400 Blu-Ray Player with Freeview

LG have launched their own Blu-ray recorder which combines Freeview+ for time shifting functions such as pause live TV, comes with a more modest 160GB hard drive. The HR400 is a full profile 2.0 Blu-ray player with the Ethernet port providing YouTube compatibility and the ability to stream media files across a home network.

LG’s new recording deck also features 1080p output including 1080/24p along with 1080p DVD upscaling. All of the main HD sound formats including Dolby TrueHD and DTS-HD are supported. LG have also introduced Instant Tray Open that claims a 5 second operation while Quick BD Booting of about 19 seconds (depending on the disc) is also provided.

The HR400 can record DVD as well as Blu-ray, the circular power button in the middle of the deck glowing red for the former and blue for the latter. LG are planning to introduce the HR400 across the UK and the rest of Europe towards the end of this month. Affordable at £350 price.

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