May 14, 2009

Apple iPod Nano 4th Generation MP3 Player

Apple iPod Nano 4th Generation MP3 Player - 8GB, 2" Widescreen LCD, Silver
Welcome to the next generation of the iPod Nano. This 8GB iPod Nano packs games, movies, photos and music into a 3.6" x 1.5" x 0.24" digital entertainment package. Find your music fast, see movies on a widescreen, play games with motion control, all in the world's biggest small screen.

The accelerometer comes in this fourth generation iPod Nano. Turn it sideways to view your movies in a widescreen presentation, or flip through more of your albums in Cover Flow.

Your own personal DJ comes packed into this iPod Nano with the Genius feature. Use the Genius feature to find songs in your music library that play well together, creating a Genius Playlist for you.
The iPod Nano is made of an all-aluminum and glass design. Once you get a hold of this iPod Nano, you won't put it down.


Supported Formats:AAC (16 to 320 Kbps)
MP4, Protected AAC (From iTunes Music Store), H.264 video, M4V

Internal Storage: 8GB

Display Type: 2.0" widescreen LCD

Interface: USB 2.0

Outputs: 3.5-mm stereo headphone jack

Power Source: Rechargeable Battery

Dimensions: 3.6" x 1.5" x 0.24"

Weight: 1.3 ounces

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