May 19, 2009

2 Pic 12.3 (Download)

Operating Systems:Windows Vista, Windows 95, Windows Me, Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows NT, Windows 98
Additional Requirements:Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP/2003 Server/Vista
Limitations:No limitations.
Publisher's description of 2 Pic
Merge images, make them fade into each other, frame them, apply severalcool effects use a distortion mirror, change colors, use gradient, makemulti-layer texts, and change properties like contrast and brightness.Version 12.3 can now be used to open/save PCX and TGA files.
2 Pic offers a simple program with options to give your digitalphotos many of the same effects as the pros. While it does offer moreflexibility to edit pictures, it doesn't quite meet professional designstandards.

This freeware may look familiar to users who have operated programssuch as Paintbrush and Photoshop, but it does not exactly copy either.The biggest difference is 2 Pic's dueling screens. Two portrait-shapedspaces fill up the bulk of the interface, each with lists of icons downthe sides for opening, saving, printing, and reversing work. At thebottom, a series of tabs offer different effects users can apply to thepictures.

2 Pic's dueling picture frames become instantly understandable whentwo separate digital photos are opened and the Merge tab is applied.This allows users to blend the two together in varying degrees. Other,more traditional, tabs include fading, color, digital effects, textboxes, and a few more.

We found 2 Pic to live in a realm partway between its twoinspirations. The program allows for more complexity and flexibilitythan Paintbrush, but lacks the sophistication and professionalcapability of Photoshop. Overall, 2 Pic is a fine program, but it won'tblow any graphic designers away. But if you are looking to have funwith your digital pictures and doctor them up, this is a fantasticdownload.

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