February 28, 2009

Beyonce Knowles: Foxy Cleopatra - Ebony Magazine Shots

Beyonce, who looks like she’s trying to reprise her role as “Foxy Cleopatra” in that Austin Powers movie, is featured on the cover of the April 2009 issue of Ebony Magazine. The issue is on stands now.

In the issue, she talks about who she really is as a person as well as what she does to get on her husband’s nerves. Here’s an interesting quote from the interview when asked who the real Beyonce is. She replied: “I’m a daughter, I’m a friend, I’m a wife, I’m a sister. All those things first. I’m an artist. I’m a businesswoman. I’m multifaceted. I’m a lover. I’m inspired by love. I make decisions from the heart”

She looks fantastic and very empowering. She looks absolutely wonderful with the darker hair colour. I’ve always loved it whenever she went there with the big hair as well. This look is taking me back to her Goldmember days. The singer also states that she chooses to endorse a certain project based on personal growth and not capitalization:

“I turn down million dollar offers all the time because it’s something that does not feel true for what I’m trying to say. I have to be passionate about it. Love inspires and growth inspires me…If it is not going to be iconic, something I can love 10 years from now, I’ve learned I should not waste my time with it”.

I agree with this statement. You’re not going to study for a degree or pursue a job (just because of the financial rewards) if you’ll end up being unhappy with it 10 and 20 years down the line. Enjoying your job gives you motivation to work and that can be just as rewarding when you receive your first promotion and other positive advances. The fabulous new photo shoot is after the jump as well as more extracts from the magazine.

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